Prince Seduced by the Dragon
PG-12, R18+
The flawless and perfect prince was originally supposed to be on a mission to defeat the evil dragon. However, things totally didn't go as he had planned. Instead of slaughtering the dragon, the evil dragon actually latched on to him, and wouldn't let go unless the prince finds him a mate! During the process of their search, the two opposing individual gradually became attracted to and developed feelings for one another. But as the heir to kingdom, can the prince actually be together with a terrifying dragon?

©2025 Gamania ©2025 Prince Seduced by the Dragon | Bai Bai Gu
Gamania Group
Publication Date
May, 2023
Volume/ Episode/ Chapter
17 (END)
The flawless and perfect prince was originally supposed to be on a mission to defeat the evil dragon. However, things totally didn't go as he had planned. Instead of slaughtering the dragon, the evil dragon actually latched on to him, and wouldn't let go unless the prince finds him a mate! During the process of their search, the two opposing individual gradually became attracted to and developed feelings for one another. But as the heir to kingdom, can the prince actually be together with a terrifying dragon?
Selling Points
(1) Fantasy Palace Comic
(2) Humorous BL
(2) Humorous BL
Bai Bai Gu(白白菇)
About the Author
Pulling double duty as both a comic book artist as well as a game art designer, Bai Bai Gu is an expert in producing art work with delicate fine details. Her works had won bronze in the "8th Sharp Point Press Original Comic Contest" as well as won gold in the "9th Sharp Point Original Comic Contest." Her latest commercial work "Prince Seduced by the Dragon" currently in serialization on beanfun! of Gamania.
Copyright Ownership
Gamania Group
Copyright Contact
Chiu Ssu-Chieh (Business Development)
MOJOIN website