G, PG-13, R

HI~MANTOU draws inspiration from “mantou”, a staple in the Chinese society. A white mantou looks cute and chubby, adorable and delightful! The HI~MANTOU has a total of 16+2 members. Pyi Pyi and Jia Jia are the two leading characters, optimistic and positive. It is about the adventure the family embarks on to rescue Mantou Island from sinking by taking the advice from ancestors and deities. 

FB: https://www.facebook.com/himantou


Selling Points
It has been 20 years since the beginning of "HI~MANTOU" product development and licensing. I think the following six factors contribute to its licensing success.
1. Highly identifiable images
2. 100% cuteness of mantous
3. Positive energy for edutainment
4. Extension of product lines
5. Mantou as part of the Chinese culture
6. Attractiveness of mantou personas
Rights Sold
"HI~MANTOU" has been on the market for 20 years. The brand started in 2002 and gained popularity in 2004 among Korean and Japanese traders in the wholesale market. Licensing and merchandising began in 2007. Manjukun and Friends has found its way to stationery, toys, food, consumer electronics, textiles, daily items, egg cake stands, amusement parks, publications, installation arts and train coach paints. HI~MANTOU has registered trademarks in 11 countries and 23 merchandise categories in China. There are authorized distributors in South Korea and Vietnam.
Copyright Ownership
Copyright Contact
YU HSIN,CHEN (Planning manager)
